
Permaculture Start



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Bill Mollison It sometimes seems that we are caught, all of us on earth, in a conscious or unconscious conspiracy to keep ourselves helpless. And yet it is people who produce all the needs of other people, and together we can survive. We ourselves can cure the famine, all the injustice, and all the stupidity of the world. We can do it by understanding the way natural systems work, by careful forestry and gardening, by contemplation and by taking care of the earth.









Permaculture Start Courses
social and ecological change diversity of yields observation skills ethics sustainability zones water soil and compost animals trees natural building energy design bees
About our Teachers

Permaculture designer

Mystee Unwin is a Permaculture teacher and also instructs

in Earth building techniques.

If you haven't read Mollison's books you've missed the turning point of the earth

The permaculture network has no central structure,

but rather a strong sense of shared work.

Everybody is free to act as an individual, to form a small group,

or work within any other organisation.

We cooperate with many other groups

with diverse beliefs and practices.

Our system includes good practices from many disciplines

and systems, and offers them as an integrated whole.

Great changes are taking place.

These are not as a result of any one group or teaching,

but as a result of millions of people defining one or more ways

in which they can conserve energy, aid local self-reliance,

or provide for themselves.

All of us would regard our own work as modest;

it is the totality of such work that is impressive.

There is so much to do and there will never be enough people to do it.

We must all try to increase our skills, to model trials ,

and to pass on the results.

Bill Mollison










Mystee Unwin

Permaculture, the abundant garden

An integrated, evolving system of perennial or self-perpetuating

plant and animal species useful to kinstance* 

* the people of the earth who were once called mankind. 

Permaculture, the cohesive movement

Consciously designed landscapes which mimic the patterns and relationships found in nature, while yielding an abundance of food, fibre, and energy for provision of local needs. People, their buildings and the ways in which they organise themselves are central to permaculture. Thus, the permaculture vision of permanent or sustainable agriculture has evolved to one of permanent or sustainable culture.

You can solve all the world's problems in a garden.
Geoff Lawton